The Indestructible Christian Hope of the Resurrection

On the western side of the Mediterranean Sea is the Strait of Gibraltar, which opens up into the expansive Atlantic Ocean. For centuries the words “Ne plus ultra” meaning “No more beyond” were chiseled on the Mighty Rock of Gibraltar, which towers over the Strait. It reminded the sailors that beyond the Strait was nothing but shoreless sea.

Discovering A Whole New World

One day, however, a man named Columbus sailed through that Strait and set his course westward. In spite of storms, discouragements and threatened mutiny, he sailed on and on, and discovered a new world.

Image result for Columbus sailing through the Strait of Gibraltar

Later, men climbed the rugged slopes of Gibraltar and removed the word “Ne” leaving the message “Plus Ultra“, meaning “More Beyond“.

Chiseled on the hearts of men and women through the centuries has been the question voiced by Job: “If a man dies, shall he live again?” Then one day Jesus sailed through the Strait of death and came back with the assuring message, “I am the resurrection and the life” (John 11:25).

The Great Hope of the Resurrection

The Apostle Peter is recorded as saying in Acts 2:24: “God raised (Jesus) from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him.”

Image result for The resurrection of Jesus - John 11:25

We should not think it incredulous for something like this to happen. Let me share with you the following true story……….. Before the Second World War, there was a grave in Germany sealed with a granite slab and bound with strong chains. On the slab, an atheist had inscribed the words, “Not to be opened throughout eternity.” Yet somehow a little acorn had fallen into a small crack, and its outer shell died.

Years later, everyone saw a huge oak tree which had completely broken up the slab, still having the inscribed arrogant words. The new life of the acorn had openly displayed the power of life.

If a small acorn can do that, just imagine what Almighty God can do with the broken shell of our bodies. May God grant us the faith to trust His Son and His promise from John 11:25 – “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live even though he dies”. This is the Good News of Jesus Christ.

QOTD: Are you trusting in the crucified and risen Jesus as your Savior and Lord?