The Hope of a New Year 2015

As you celebrate the excitement and the promise of a NEW YEAR, here are some tips to help you get in the swing of things!

happy new year 2015
1.   BE HOPEFUL AND LOVING: I love the hopefulness of a NEW year!  It brings the chance for a do over and the opportunity to work on improving certain things:   I will eat healthier, I will exercise more!!  How about adding:  “I will spend more time with the people I care about putting them first before work, commitments and other “good” things.”

2.  BE THANKFUL:   Every day as you open your eyes, be thankful that your Heavenly Father granted you another day to be alive!!    No matter what your circumstances are, you are breathing and living!!

3.   SHARE YOUR JOY:  It might just be a smile, a nod, buying coffee for the person behind you in line, sharing your sandwich, giving your coat to someone who needs it more than you……..the possibilities are endless!  Imagine a life of joyful abandon!!

4.  BE A GOOD LISTENER:  Easier said that done but when we ask about how someone is doing and truly and actively listen to them, with no agenda, no “planning on what I am going to say next”, you will open a world of compassion and caring for that person.

 5.  GIVE BACK AND DONATE:   Have you accumulated so much stuff that your closets, basement, garage are overflowing with excess?   Why not bless someone who needs it?   Do you have time to help the needy?   Can you make time in 2015?  Volunteering give you purpose and will warm your heart as you help others.

6.  REFLECT, PLAN AND REFLECT SOME MORE:  As I spend today reflecting on all the incredible events that took place in 2014, I am grateful for the all the changes to my life.  2014 brought many blessings that were disguised by hardship.  It was certainly not easy at the time.  Some doors closed while other doors opened.   During this year of change, family and friends were strong and supportive.  I learned to depend more on others and not to try to continue on this journey of life all on my own.

happy new year

Let us start 2015 with all the joy, hopefulness and promise that a NEW YEAR BRINGS!!

QOTD:    How are you preparing yourself for the BEST year ever?


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