90 Day Challenge (Page 3)

Day 68 – Zechariah 11:1 – Matthew 4:25

The last two Books of the Old Testament, Zechariah and Malachi, address issues that were pressing for the post-exilic community as they set down roots again in the Promised Land of Canaan. Zechariah was raised up, along with his contemporary Haggai, to encourage the returning Jews to rebuild the Jerusalem Temple. The exiles had returned […]

Day 67 Habbakkuk 1:1 – Zechaariah 10:12

At the close of yesterday’s reading, the Book of Nahum was covered. The messages of Nahum were specifically addressed to Judah and Nineveh. and were preached somewhere between 663 and 612 BC. In 612 BC, the city of Nineveh fell to the Babylonians, in fulfillment of Nahum’s prophesy. What is noteworthy is that in the […]

Day 66 Amos 9:11 – Nahum 3:19

Our reading today covers the Books of Obadiah, Jonah, Micah and Nahum. As we read these Scriptures, God’s heart for the Gentiles is very evident. In the short Book of Obadiah, the prophet exclusively addresses the people of Edom. Even though it is a message of warning, the LORD cares about the Edoms enough to […]

Day 65 Hosea 13:7 – Amos 9:10

In today’s blog I would like to focus on the Book Amos. He was a prophet who earned his living as a shepherd and tending sycamore trees (Amos 7:14). He was from the village of Tekoa which was located 12 miles south of Jerusalem. He was from the southern kingdom of Judah but was called […]

Day 64 Daniel 9:1 – Hosea 13:6

As we near the end of our readings in the prophetic Books of the Old Testament, our respect grows for the integrity and sacrifice of the true prophets of God. In Daniel 10 and 11, Daniel received a prophetic vision which left him mourning and unable to eat for 3 weeks (Dan. 10:2,3). In the […]

Day 63 Ezekiel 47:13 – Daniel 8:27

One of my favorite biblical characters is Daniel. This man not only loved the LORD but he also knew how to serve his God in the royal courts of a pagan nation. In fact, Daniel served both in the Babylonian and in the Medo-Persian kingdoms for approximately 60 years. Daniel and his 3 friends (Shadrach, […]

Day 62 Ezekiel 36:1 – 47:12

Our reading today contains the great chapter of Ezekiel 37 which declares that the LORD will make again His people, Israel, to take root in the Promised Land of Canaan. Even though the Israelites have experienced a devastating judgment at the hands of God through their defeat and exile by the Babylonians, and their Land […]

Day 61 Ezekiel 23:20 – 35:15

One of the foundational beliefs of the Jewish people was that the God they worshiped was the Creator of the whole world. It was their conviction that Yahweh, their covenant LORD, made everything through His spoken word. As a result, the wooden and metal idols which were made by the hands of men and worshiped […]

Day 60 Ezekiel 12:21 – 23:39

Ezekiel is a master communicator of God’s prophetic word. He uses a variety of images and object lessons to reveal the state of Israel’s spiritual condition before Yahweh, the LORD. For example, Ezekiel compares the wood of a regular tree with a vine in Ezekiel 15. The wood of a vine is useless for building […]

Day 59 Lamentations 2:1 – Ezekiel 12:20

Israel’s classical prophets had many things in common with each other. One of those things was suffering. They all paid a steep price for carrying God’s burden and message to His people. For example, we read these words of Jeremiah in Lamentations 3 after the exile of Judah: “I am the man who has seen […]