90 Day Challenge (Page 2)

Day 78 – Acts 6:8 – 16:37

In Acts 8:1-3, we have the the newly-formed Church scattered from Jerusalem by a great persecution in connection with the stoning of Stephen. He was the first martyr of Christ’s Church. In Acts 7 we have a great sermon of Stephen in which he recounts God’s faithful dealings with His people under the Abrahamic and […]

Day 77 – John 15:18 – Acts 6:7

In Jesus’ last extended teaching to His disciples before His arrest and crucifixion, He emphasized the role that the Holy Spirit would have in their lives once He left the earth (John 14-17). The Holy Spirit would make Jesus and the Father intimately present to faithful disciples (John 14:15-21). The Holy Spirit will bring glory […]

Day 76 – John 6:1-15:17

The Gospel of John was the last of the four Gospels to be written (probably around AD 85). It was authored by the Apostle John, who  according to church tradition was the only one of the Eleven faithful apostles not to die a martyr’s death. He was a very young man when he began following […]

Day 75 – Luke 20:20 – John 5:47

In our reading today we have the end of Luke’s Gospel and the beginning of John’s Gospel. In Luke’s account of Jesus’ resurrection appearances, he emphasizes the fact that Jesus rose bodily from the dead. It was not just a spiritual resurrection. In the Road to Emmaus appearance Jesus sat down with the two travelers […]

Day 74 – Luke 10:1-20:19

This portion of Scripture in Luke’s Gospel contains some of the most well-known parables of Jesus. For example, in Luke 10:25-37, we have the priceless Parable of the Good Samaritan. In this wonderfully-crafted story, Jesus powerfully teaches that our neighbor is anyone in need that we are in a position to help. The hero of […]

Day 73 – Luke 2:1-9:62

Many Bible commentators believe that Luke was the sole Gentile to write a Book which became a part of the Jewish-Christian Scriptures. All the other authors were Jewish. In the early chapters of Luke’s Gospel, we see the saving message of Jesus beginning to burst the wineskins of Judaism (Luke 5:33-39). Luke clearly portrays Jesus […]

Day 72 – Mark 9:14-Luke 1:80

In Isaiah 55:8&9 we read these words: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” says the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” We see the truth of these words most clearly in […]

Day 71 – Mathew 26:57-Mark 9:13

The opening of Mark’s Gospel has many intentional allusions to the story of Israel’s Exodus from slavery to Egypt. Mark portrays Jesus’ ministry as a second Exodus from the powers of darkness such as sin and the demonic. The first allusion to the Exodus are the opening words of the Gospel which is a combined […]

Day 70 – Matthew 16:1-26:57

In Mathew 16 we have a real turning point in Jesus’ earthly ministry. Jesus intentionally takes His disciples to one of the most pagan places in all of Israel – Caesarea Philippi (verse 13). In this area we have the blatant worship of pagan deities like Pan. It is in this very dark place that […]

Day 69 – Matthew 5:1-15:39

The 4 Gospels were originally written to 4 different audiences. The most Jewish of these original recipients was the one that received the Gospel of Mathew. It should not surprise us, therefore, that it was Mathew’s Gospel which utilizes the greatest number of Old Testament direct quotations and allusions. For example, after Jesus performed some […]