Jesus Trek 14 – Two Masters

JT walked along the road for a few days until he saw a lot of activity on the outskirts of the town. It looked like many people were working in the field harvesting on one side of the road. There were many people there ranging in age from children to the aged. He stood and watched. There was a line next to a man with a wagon. As the line moved up, the man checked the basket that each person held, and then gave them money. Then that person rushed back to the field and began picking again. As he got closer he saw that many types of vegetables is what they were picking.


The World’s Worst Prison

One of the most escape-proof prisons in the world was Alcatraz. From 1933 to 1963 it served as an American Federal Prison and during that time 26 prisoners tried to escape but only 5 succeeded. Constructing Our Own Alcatraz Surrounded by the cold waters of San Francisco Bay, Alcatraz boasted high walls, double-lock doors, guards […]

Wise Guy, Eh?

Wisdom in a Golf Shot Harvey Penick was the golf coach at the University of Texas from 1931 to 1963 and the golf mentor for some of the truly great golf professionals of all-time. These golfers include Ben Crenshaw, Tom Kite, Kathy Whitworth, Betsy Rawls and Mickey Wright. They returned to Penick even after years […]

Jesus Trek 13 – The Lazy Trio

As JT walked along the coast he came up on a fishing village. It looked as if there had been quite a storm recently. Most of the fishing shacks had damaged roofs on them. There were quite a few men and boys working diligently to fix them. All of them were under repair except for one.

Damaged fishing shack

In front of that one there were three men sitting playing dice with money in the middle between them. They seemed totally unconcerned about the damage around them.

Jesus Trek – 12 – Bad Companions

JT walked all that day, spent the night in the forest and came upon another town by the coast. It was getting pretty lonely walking here and there all by himself. He thought it would be nice to have a friend. He could not remember the last time he had fun with friends.

dog sausages1 As soon as he thought this, a group of boys came running past him chasing a dog. In the dog’s mouth was a string of sausages. Six boys were running for all they were worth, but they were no match for the mongrel dog they were chasing. He easily outran them, and in the distance, the dog disappeared around the corner. The boys stopped running and leaned over with their hands on their knees trying to catch their breath.

Striking the Right Balance

A Billionaire’s Testimony Fortune Magazine quotes a comment made by billionaire H.Ross Perot: “Guys, just remember, if you get real lucky, if you make a lot of money, if you go out and buy a lot of stuff—it’s gonna break. You got your biggest, fanciest mansion in the world. It has air conditioning. It’s got […]

(Repost) What I learned about Lone Star Waitresses

Last weekend to celebrate the closing of the season bookstore that I ran I took a group of my staff out to Lone Star restaurant. While there we discovered something interesting about their waitstaff. According to our waitress, none of the staff use their real name. It’s company policy to either make up another name, or get creative and use something fun, like Thumper.


That was the name our waitress gave herself. Thumper, as in, Bambi’s Thumper.